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The number of people who turned out for the midday swearing-in ceremony in the rain appeared to be significantly smaller than the estimated 2 million who attended Democrat Barack Obamas first inauguration in 2009.In Portland, protesters threw rocks, bottles and flares at police dressed in riot gear, who fired irritant and flash-bang devices back at them, according to local media and police.""Trump is not going to be stopped at the top, hes going to be stopped from the bottom, from people rising up," said Ben Allen, a 69-year-old retired teacher from San Francisco.

"We thought there would be protests but we didnt expect violence," said Shiring, a college student from Hartford, Connecticut.The various protest groups scattered around the city chanted anti-Trump slogans and carried signs with slogans including "Trump is not president" and "Make Racists Afraid Again..In Washington, David Guthrie, a long-haired, bearded, 36-year-old from South Bend, Indiana, stood stark naked on a street corner with an obscenity and "Trump" written on his buttocks in black magic marker. 8 and left the country divided.The citys Metro subway system reported ridership levels as of 11 a. This aint right," said Hrifko, who was bleeding from a cut under his eye. Newsham added that police would continue to monitor security around the nights celebrations.

At one flash point, a protester hurled an object through the passenger window of a police van, which sped away in reverse as demonstrators cheered.8 square km) of the city.Washington: Black-clad activists among hundreds of demonstrators protesting Donald Trumps swearing-in on Friday clashed with police a few blocks from the White House, in an outburst of violence rare for an inauguration.S.As he stood, he was pepper sprayed by police, but stood with his eyes clenched, saying he wanted to prompt "a national conversation on the illegitimacy of the Trump presidency. "We support the right of everybody in this country, no matter what nationality, what religion, the colour of their skin, to be respected as a human being, and this guy doesnt respect anybody. A knot of people dragged garbage cans into a street a few blocks from the White House and set them ablaze, later throwing a red cap bearing Trumps "Make America Great Again" campaign slogan into the flames.In the violence, knots of activists in black clothes and masks threw rocks and bottles at officers wearing riot gear, who responded with volleys of tear gas and stun grenades as a helicopter hovered low overhead.

The US Secret Service, Washington police and other law enforcement agencies had about 28,000 officers in place to secure a roughly three-square-mile (7. Demonstrators gathered there to protest Trump and conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos, who gave a talk on campus, local media reported. His inauguration speech was a populist and China PVC building materials Suppliers nationalist rallying cry.Fridays protests played out just blocks from Pennsylvania Avenue, where New York businessman-turned-Republican politician Trump took part in the traditional parade a newly sworn in president takes from the U.The Disrupt J20 group on Twitter said its anger was not directed only at Trump, and that it would also have demonstrated had Democrat Hillary Clinton won the election last November.Multiple vehicles were set on fire, including a black limousine.m. Tens of thousands of detractors are expected to march peacefully on Saturday. Capitol to the White House."Didn’t expect violenceTrump supporter Ryan Shiring, 21, stood nervously with a group of friends near a pile of smoldering trash cans. Earlier, activists used chunks of pavement and baseball bats to shatter the windows of a Bank of America branch and a McDonalds outlet, all symbols of American capitalism.Sympathy protests were held around the nation and the world, in cities including Los Angeles, Tokyo and London.But in Moscow, Russians hoping Trump will usher in a new era of detente with their country celebrated his inauguration.

Police said six officers were injured in scuffles with protesters.Protesters and police said the violent activists were acting independently of organized opposition to Trump."We need more order."Democratic officials, including Washington Mayor Muriel Bowser, condemned the violence.Not far from the White House, Bob Hrifko, a member of the Bikers for Trump group, said he was struck in the face with an aluminum chair when he tried to intervene in a scuffle involving police and protesters.Many of Trumps supporters travelled to Washington to cheer their new president on Inauguration Day."

"I need a shower," he said, as fellow protesters helped him walk away, wrapped in a silver blanket.The burst of civil disorder followed a fierce presidential campaign that ended in a stunning victory for Republican Trump over Democrat Hillary Clinton on Nov. "We were hoping for a completely peaceful transfer of power.

Overhead video of the National Mall showed sections of the white matting laid down to protect the grass were largely empty. (1600 GMT) at less than half of what was seen in 2013 or 2009 and roughly on par with George W. At least 217 people were arrested in the melees, police said. The people arrested would be held overnight before making court appearances on Saturday, Peter Newsham, interim chief of the Metropolitan Police Department, told a news conference.Trump, a former reality TV star, angered many liberal Americans during his stunningly successful campaign with demeaning comments on women and immigrants. Bushs second inauguration in 2005.In Seattle, one person was shot in the abdomen during a demonstration at the University of Washington, the Seattle Police Department said on Twitter
She enters the frame delicately swaying to Clara Thomas’ B-A-B-Y, and complains about how every song in the world references “baby”. Indeed, this becomes a metaphor for their love story as well.)The chase scenes — which are never dizzying in their pace — are balanced with Baby’s blooming romance with Debora (an endearing Lily James), who shares his dream of driving out West while listening to music.

The first car-chase sequence of the film is so exquisitely choreographed; every bend in the road, every bump is in step with the music. In one of the early scenes in the film, his accomplices engage in a banter and delay their heist by a few seconds, prompting Baby to rewind the song (Neat Neat Neat by The Damned). Now his excuse for his perpetual proclivity for music is to suppress the ringing in his ears. She has no agency; the wheels spin only around Baby.

“You so looney, you got your own tunes,” jokes Bats.Rating: Cast: Ansel Elgort, Lily James, Kevin Spacey, Jon Hamm, Jamie Foxx, Eiza GonzalesDirector: Edgar WrightThe protagonist of Edgar Wright’s eponymously titled action-musical Baby Driver is not a character who is driven by music. Baby’s China Aluminum Casement Door taciturn and withdrawn nature leaves him paranoid and suspicious; the fuss about Baby’s several iPods makes no sense to him. She has only two in her name. Instead, he carefully curates songs on several of his iPods and, in a way, dances to their tune.

After the death of his parents, he gets involved in a theft that goes awry, and leaves him in Doc’s (a no-nonsense and witty Spacey) debt. He secretly records snippets of conversations and remixes them with his own music, creating a situational rhythm that he would perhaps later have an opportunity to sway to. It is both an audio and a visual delight. What it also does is that it helps him muffle the humdrum existence of those around him.The writer is programmer, Lightcube Film Society. To pay it off, Baby must serve as a getaway driver for all the heists that Doc — notorious for not working with the same crew twice — plans. He stops in front of a shop with saxophones painted on its window just when saxophones are introduced in the song. Such is Doc’s faith in Baby’s ability to get out of sticky situations, and indeed, he is hardly proven wrong. To drown out the noise of their daily arguments, Baby would sleep with his earphones in. He wears his sunglasses even indoors, and remains unfazed when Jamie Foxx’s character snatches two pairs off of his face only to discover a third one in store. After he is involved in a car crash, which kills his parents, Baby is left with tinnitus for life. Baby, although always on the road, inhabits a limited space: his destination is always decided beforehand, along with the time of arrival and departure.

The scene, which follows, a tracking shot wherein Baby walks down the street to get coffee makes use of lyrics written on signboards and windows. Baby is cool, and he knows it. Jon Hamm menacingly plays Buddy, a former Wall Street employee who ran away to get drugs, and is married to Darling (Gonzales), who was his favourite stripper.

The robbery has to be neat, in sync with the beat.Doc brings three characters to work with him. Debora provides him with the fantasy of hitting the road that leads nowhere. Jamie Foxx’s Bats is a batshit crazy guy, who is always volatile and unhinged, and takes pride in announcing that he is the only person with mental issues. (The film is generously peppered with more of such one-liners.As the backstory reveals, Baby’s parents had a troubled marriage
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